Family Management has never been so rewarding!
Famtastic is a revolutionary app that structures families through a user-friendly interface.
Track & Reward | Goals & Chores - Get rewarded for doing your chores! Famtastics incentivized chores feature gives both children and adults a fun and convenient way to get things done.
Family Budget - Create a budget with custom categories, and see where youre at as you subtract purchases throughout the month.
Piggy Bank For Kids - Money management made easy for children and parents. Teach your kids early how to manage a budget.
Simplified Shopping - Each family member can add to the shopping list. Only parents approve what gets purchased.
To-Do List - Personalized to-do list to keep each family member on task.
Family Calendar - An all-access calendar makes it easier for everyone to be up-to-date with everybodys schedules.
What People Are Saying...
"My kids used to complain when I reminded them about their chores - now they thank me!"
"I love that Famtastic provides a way for me to teach my kids about budgeting."
"I no longer have to check if my kids have done their chores - they come to me and let me know they are done!"